
I gave a tech talk at Xamarin Dev Days 2017 Singapore, on the topic, "Cross Platform Native UI with Xamarin.Forms"! So here's all about it!

Cross Platform Native UI with Xamarin.Forms - Xamarin Dev Days 2017 Singapore

Hosted by Microsoft Singapore, in collaboration wth Xamariners and Syncfusion.

Xamarin Dev Days Link: https://ti.to/xamarin/dev-days-singapore-2017

Singapore Mobile .Net Developers Link: https://www.meetup.com/SingaporeMobileDev/events/241138483/

Session: Cross Platform Native UI with Xamarin.Forms
11:10AM - 11:50AM


Session breakdown:

  • Welcome to Xamain.Forms

  • Xamarin+ Xamarin.Forms

  • Xamarin.Forms Features

  • Pages and Layouts

  • Controls

  • Xamarin.Forms Eco System

  • Windows/UWP vs Xamarin.Forms

  • Platform Specific Customizations

  • Native UI, look and fell

  • Xamarin.Forms Demo

  • Latest & Greatest of Xamarin.Forms

  • Along with an detailed live demo of how Xamarin.Forms runs natively in each platform...

Slideshare Link: https://www.slideshare.net/fuzSurcd/xamarindevdays-cross-platform-natuve-ui-with-xamarinforms

Udara Alwis