Servicr - Backend Server

API Documentation

Postman documentation is used.

Technology (Tech Stack)

  1. NodeJS express sever.
  2. MongoDB.

Folder/file structure

Follow the current naming convention and folder structure.

├── controllers           // Add all controller for models here
├── models                // Add all the mongoose models here
├── routes                // Add all the routes and sub routes he
├── middleware            // Add middlewares here for tasks
├── utils                 // Add all the services here
├── index.js              // Entry file
├── nodemon.json          
├── package.json          // node module dependencies
└──             // README file

Working on updates

  1. Create a feature branch if necessarry.
  2. Work on the issue and push to main or your feature branch.
  3. Create a PR to main branch if you pushed to a feature branch.


Follow the follwing steps to begin development.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Create a feature branch if necessary using git branch branchname and switch to branch using git switch branchname.
  4. Make the necessary changes and updates.
  5. Test locally using npm run dev command.
  6. Push to remote repository.