This project can be used as a boiler plate for building a MongoDB-Express-React-Node stack application.
- CRUD operations for items, subject to user authorization
- User registration and verification by email
- User authentication with Facebook, Oauth
- Uploading an image of the item
- NodeJS, NPM (
- A MongoDB server, local or remote. Example: mLab (
- A cloudinary account (
- A Heroku free tier plan - optional
- Clone the repo and check out the code
- Run
$ npm install
- Set following environment variables in a .env file in the root directory
#jwt secret JWT_SECRET = <some string> ex: 'myJWTSecret' #fb app credentials, needs to be created at CLIENT_ID = <Facebook app client ID for your app> CLIENT_SECRET = <Facebook app client secret for your app> #email credentials MAIL_USER = <e-mail address, from which you will be sending the account verification emails to new users> ex:"" MAIL_PASSWORD = <e-mail password for the above account> #cloudinary credentials, needs to be created at CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = <cloudinary API secret for your app> CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = <cloudinary API key for your app> CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = " <cloudinary cloud name> #Database server connection URI. If you are using mLab, this needs to be created at, and would look like the following: MONGODB_URI = 'mongodb://<user_name>:<password><db_name>'
- Run
$ npm run dev
to start both front end and back end on ports 5000 and 3000 respectively - Run
$ npm run start
to start the back end express server on port 5000
- Login with Facebook
Method: post
Type: public
- Register new user with email
Method: post
Type: public
- Login user with email
Method: post
Type: public
- Verify email address
Method: get
Type: public
/api/auth/verify/<your token>
- Get profile information
Method: get
Type: private
- Get all users
Method: get
Type: public
- Get a specific user with user ID
Method: get
Type: public
/api/users/<user ID>
- Create new item
Method: post
Type: private
- Get single item with item ID
Method: get
Type: public
/api/items/<item ID>
- Get all available items
Method: get
Type: public
- Delete an item with item ID
Method: delete
Type: private
/api/items/<item ID>
- Update an item with item ID
Method: put
Type: private
/api/items/<item ID>
Currently No tests are available.
To deploy on Heroku, create an account and set up environment variables. Then run $ git push heroku master
Please create an issue and start working a feature/ bug you prefer 🚀.
This project is licensed under ISC.