
Udeyx's dotfile of neovim


Udeyx's dotfile for nvim, containing configuration for essential plugins and lsp servers.


  • Fast
    Most of the plugins are set to be lazy loaded. The startup time is below 50ms on M1 chip.
  • Selected and configured lsp servers
    A language always has several lsp servers. Thus, it could be troublesome to choose a fit one. In this dotfile, I select some servers as default and configured them, which would provide a good out-of-box experience.


Install dependencies

  • You don't need to install the package manager(lazy.nvim) manually, since there is a bootstrap function in this dotfile.
  • ripgrep(rg) and fd for telescope.nvim , make and a C compiler(gcc or clang) for building it's native dependencies.
  • rust and cargo for building SnipRun
# Windwos 
scoop install ripgrep llvm(or gcc) rust
# Archlinux & Manjaro
pacman -S ripgrep fd base-devel rust
# MacOS
brew install ripgrep fd rust
# ......
  • wget, git, pip, npm, ...... for mason.nvim

Clone and setup

After installing these above dependencies, clone this repo to the right directory.

# Linux/MacOS
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/Udeyx/nvimdot.git ~/.config/nvim
# Windows
git clone --depth 1 https://githu.com/Udeyx/nvimdot.git ~/Appdata/Local/nvim

Finally, you need to restart nvim twice. The first time is to bootstrap lazy.nvim. The second time is to let lazy.nvim install the plugins.