
IR transmitting by Tasker(AutoVoice)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Jane is released in Version 1.1 - Black Widow

##What is Jane?

  • A system to control home devices e.g.: AVR, TV or other IR devices and computers via SSH
  • Jane uses Tasker with AutoVoice to control the system with your voice

##What is working?

  • Infrared control code receiving
  • Sending single infrared codes via Tasker using AutoVoice
  • Sinatra Webserver
  • Remote Control Outlets


  • SSH connection + command execution
  • SunSet


  • Raspberry PI + raspbian
  • eurocard or plugboard
  • 1x IR-Emitter - TSAL 6200
  • 1x IR-Receiver - TSOP4838
  • 1x 1 kOhm Resistor
  • 1x 100 Ohm Resistor
  • 1x bipolar Transistor NPN - BC547C
  • WiFi-stick recommended for more flexibility

##Circuit plan

Alt text

##Software installation ###LIRC Enter the following commands:

  • $ sudo apt-get install lirc
  • $ sudo vim /etc/modules
  • Add the following lines:
  • lircv_dev
  • lirc_rpi gpio_in_pin=22 gpio_out_pin=23

###LIRC configuration

  • $ cd /etc/lirc/
  • $ sudo vim hardware.conf Enter/comment the following line:
  • LIRCD_ARGS="--listen" TCP Listener at Port 8765
  • #START_LIRCMD=false
  • #START_IREXEC=false
  • DRIVER="default"
  • DEVICE="/dev/lirc0"
  • MODULES="lirc_rpi" Save and quit the file and execute the following
  • $ sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart

##Read key codes

  • The standard configuration file is located in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  • For the first tests, create the file ~/led.conf
  • LIRC have a lot options for key bindings, to see the options execute:
  • $ irrecord -list namespace
  • Notice the keys you need
  • To test the receiver execute: $ sudo irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 ~/led.conf
  • All commands are stored in ~/led.conf now. Copy the whole content in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  • For each control you have to repeat this procedure

Send commands

  • First restart the lirc daemon sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart
  • To send a command execute: $ irsend SEND_ONCE "name of the control" "key"
  • example: $ irsend SEND_ONCE TV KEY_POWER

Android App

! No active development for now ! The Android app is located in a seperate repostiroy:

Coming Features

  • HomeCheck (addon)
  • new Material Design WebUI
  • Temperaturesensor with light feedback


see LICENSE files