
Multiplayer World where you can walk, chat, talk and play mini games

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Multiplayer world


I always find myself making multiple minigames. So I wanted to build a sort of an environment where people can:

  • move
  • text chat
  • voice chat
  • talk
  • play

I also wanted to have some common things for the games:

  • leaderboards
  • friends
  • relay
  • lobby
  • matchmaking
  • multiplayer hosting
  • multiplayer peer to peer
  • common menu
  • avatars

1. Movement

The movement would happen every 30 fps or 60 fps. The server needs to receive the player position and update them for all players.

It also needs to be efficient when it comes to geo querying the positon so it doesn't give players all positions, but only those close to them.

2. Chat

There need to be multiple channels for chats:

  • team chat
  • room chat
  • proximity chat

3. Talk

For voice communication it will usually only be needed to send from 1-2 players to 1-2 players, not all, since it's a lot of data.

Also, I guess it would be fine if the voice is sent peer to peer.

4. Play

One other requirements would be to be able to go in the world and start a game and play with other people.

For these games, some things are going to be reused, such as:

5. Common Menu

Would be cool if each game had a menu of it's own with small configurations, but ideally could be all reused from the same common menu.

Settings that could be found in the common menu would be:

  • Sound control
  • Graphics control
  • Matchmaking options(Join, Host)
  • Return

6. Matchmaking

For games that play multiplayer, having the matchmaking done would speed up the game start and would also make the transition from the Multiplayer World to the game better.

Since games would be played mostly on browser but also on other platforms, there will be 2 types of matchmaking:

  • WebRTC peer to peer matchmaking
  • WebSocket server client matchmaking

7. Avatars

Avatars can be 2d or 3d. It should ideally be character from games and could be customizable in form of look and movement.


We would want to handle multiple users and scale (ideally infinitely). Every client would be a godot instance that connects through websocket to a webserver through a loadbalancer.

graph TD
    Godot --> LoadBalancer
    LoadBalancer --> WebServer1
    LoadBalancer --> WebServer2

In order to synchronize the sebservers, we could use a redis instance that holds all data in memory, providing us the fastest data write and read possible.

graph TD
    WebServerReader -->|read 50ms| Redis
    WebServerWriter -->|write| Redis

For reading data, we don't need to send updates whenever a read happens. We could batch them and only send every 50ms.

We also need to structure it somehow in such that:

  • it's fast
  • there are no race conditions
  • we can get all data at once (eg when the client first connects)
  • we can get only updates data (eg when there are small updates, but not sending all data)
  • sharding/splitting the data somehow supported also
-1x1 0x1 1x1
-1x0 0x0 1x0
-1x-1 0x-1 1x-1

Each cel would have a range it would cover, so taking a position, eg 123x200, and assuming cell size is 100, it would be in cell 1x2.

In redis, we could write the data as hash like this:

  • Hash Name: cell:0:0:0
  • Hash Data: property:id -> value

We have encoded the cell in the has name, in this case cell 0x0x0. The property and id is encoded in the key.


name,38 -> useless_albatros
position,38 -> 0,0,0

For events, we could use a redis stream that is structured like this:

  • Stream Name: cell:last:0:0:0
  • Stream Values:
    • id:123
    • property:<property>
    • value:<value>


id: 50
property: left

id: 58
property: chat
value: [b]unchanged_hyena[/b]: left.

For id generation we could use redis increment to be sure of uniqueness.

For the larger data we will use a CDN server where we simply upload the files needed in game to display(eg. menus, avatars, etc.)



To start the development server run:

bun start

To connect from terminal a websocket, run:

wscat -c ws://localhost:3000


For the bun app I am using an Azure Web App set as NodeJS and then customizing it's start to run the bun binary instead.