
A Symfony project created on June 1, 2017, 5:53 pm.

#Locations created files

All csv files are located in the AppBundle folder. I have also creatd an Entity folder with the User model that I used in the CsvImportCommand class. In the folder Commands you can find both classes:

  • CSVgetDataCommand.php
  • CsvImportCommand.php

#explanation commands


The CSVgetDataCommand.php Command allows you to display the data of 2 CSV files located in in the Data folder. I have Used the Symfony console Table Helper to make output of the data more clear. Next to that I used the Question Helper to let the user select a csv file.

This command can be used by typing the following into the console: php bin/console CSV:DisplayCommand


This command allows you to import the data of a csv file to the database For this command you need to have created a database named. This data comes from the userdata.csv file

This command can be used by typing the following into the console: php bin/console csv:import