
Me just messing with DiscordJS on my lonesome.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


If you would like to invite my live bot here is the link. I am hosting it via Google Cloud Platform.


Fun Commands
These commands are just for fun.

modpls dog

    Returns a photo or gif of a random dog.

Helper Commands
These commands are non destructable commands, they are meerly for making some things easier for mods.

modpls setname <user mention> <name here>

    Sets a users "name" to a custom name.

modpls whois <user mention>

    Outputs the users name if set.

modpls ping

    Returns the bots ping.

modpls avatar <user mention>

    Returns user link to avatar.

Moderation Commands
These commands can be desctructable. Some require roles to use and these help manage the server.

modpls activity <# to see>

    Outputs # of people that have least activity. 25 is the max you can request.

modpls kick <user mention(s)> <reason(optional)>

    Kicks user(s) and audit logs the reason if given. Only those with KICK_MEMBERS permissions can use this.

modpls purge <message amount> <user mention(optional)>

    Deletes messages in the channel you request it in, delete user specific commands if user is mentioned. Only users with MESSAGE_MANAGE can use this command.

modpls ban <user mention(s)> <number of days(default 7 days)> <reason(optional)>

    Bans a user for X amount of days. Only users with BAN_MEMBERS can use this command.

modpls status

    Outputs server information, such as users in server, owner, amount of text/voice channels etc.

modpls botstatus

    Outputs the bots information.

modpls lock <number of minute(s)> <#channel-name(s)>

    Users will not be able to send messages to locked channels. Only users with MANAGE_CHANNELS can use this command.

modpls prefix

    You can change the prefix of the bot for your guild. Only users with MANAGE_GUILD can use this command.

modpls softban

    Ban and unban a user which will clear 7 days worth of messages they sent. You need the BAN_MEMBERS permission.

