
A short description of the output of jsPsych

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A short description of the output of jsPsych


This is a short introduction to the output generated by jsPsych experiments. jsPsych is the software used by researchers in the ILS labs to run online experiments.

jsPsych comes with its internal "database" for the research data that is collected during one run of the experiment. jsPsych is rather verbose in its output, and everything that is presented to the participant is treated as a single trial. This means that for instance the fixation cross that starts your trial is - in the output of jsPsych - a trial of its own. This is not ideal, but it is how jsPsych works internally.

This document explains where you can find the relevant documentation in the jsPsych documentation to understand the output that is generated by your experiment. We provide the relevant links and a little guidance in order to understand the output.

jsPsych general trial information

Each jsPsych trial is started via a jsPsych plugin. All plugins will write the following four variables to the output:

  1. trial_type
  2. trial_index
  3. time_elapsed
  4. internal_node_id

Information can be obtained from the data-collected-from-plugins section in the jsPsych documentation. The most significant variable is the first, trial_type because that determines where you can look for the meaning of the other variables of the same jsPsych trial. For example, in a visual lexical decision task with a visual prime, a trial starts with a fixation cross, then a prime and then a (non-)word again. In terms of jsPscych those are 3 trials: the cross, the prime and the (non-)word. They are all presented with the same plugin called: html-keyboard-response. In order to see the meaning of the other variables you'll have to look up the plugin of that trial in the list of plugins. All the plugins are prefixed with "jspsych-", so you'll be looking for the plugin: jspsych-html-keyboard-response. Once you have found it, you need to look for the paragraph Data Generated. In the panel on the right hand side of the web page you can find a link to the section. There are 3 variables listed:

  1. response
  2. rt
  3. stimulus

So for the html-keyboard-response-plugin, in addition to the 4 variables above, the response, rt and stimulus are stored in the output. As you can see, the type and meaning of the variable are also listed in the table.

Data added by the boilerplates of the ILS labs

Scripts using jsPsych can add some own data to each trial. The ILS boilerplate experiments also add some variables in the hope they are useful for analyzing the experiment data.

In addition to the 7 variables (in the case of the html-keyboard-response) above, the boilerplate experiments of the ILS labs add two additional variables to each trial. This is done for example by:

jsPsych.data.addProperties (
        subject : subject_id,
        list : list_name

The two variables added by the experiment script are:

  1. subject A random id generated when the experiment starts.
  2. list The chosen list from the available lists in the experiment.

Experiment specific variables

Different experiments need different output. The ILS Self Paced Reading (SPR) boilerplate for example records up to 15 reaction times per trial, whereas the lexical decision (LD) templates only record one. You'll have to look this up in the documentation of each boilerplate.