
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


License: https://github.com/UlasGuneyGenc/Zork/blob/master/LICENSE
Repository: https://github.com/UlasGuneyGenc/Zork
Author: https://github.com/UlasGuneyGenc

Behind the scene notes

Creating this project presented a time constraint for me, as I hadn't utilized C++ in a project since my university days. However, it was a valuable learning experience as I applied object-oriented principles. I also discovered that the use of C++ allowed for more efficient and faster performance in the game. While the codebase may not be optimal, it was a positive experience overall. In addition to the technical aspects, I found developing a text adventure game to be more enjoyable than I had anticipated. It challenged my imagination to bring the game to life through words. The process of creating a text-based game also presented an opportunity to explore different narrative and interactive storytelling techniques. Furthermore, creating this project also gave me the opportunity to improve my problem-solving skills and work under tight deadlines. The game development process is iterative, which means that there were many challenges that came up along the way. I had to find creative solutions to overcome them. The ability to think on my feet and come up with quick solutions was an important skill that I developed during the project. Moreover, the process of testing and debugging the game helped me to improve my attention to detail. I learned to spot and fix errors more efficiently. Overall, this project was a great learning experience, not only in terms of programming skills but also in terms of project management, keeping up with the deadline and creativity.

About The Game

In this game, you play as a warrior who has forgotten his past. Your goal is to defeat the final boss to complete the game.
The game features a classic RPG stat system:

  • Health
  • Attack
  • Defence

To provide more gameplay variety for players, the game features a buff system. Players can absorb the powers of four elements: fire, air, water, and earth.

  • Fire Buff: -10 Health / 20 Attack / -10 Defence
  • Water Buff: -5 Health / 10 Attack / -5 Defence
  • Earth Buff: -10 Health / -10 Attack / -10 Defence
  • Air Buff: 20 Health / -10 Attack / -10 Defence

Game Map

Zork Map

How to Play?

  • exit/quit/q
    Quits the game.

  • look/info
    Gets the info about the room.

  • bag/inventory/b/i
    Shows the items in inventory.

  • stats/stat
    Shows your stats and buff type.

  • move/go + "direction"
    ie: move north
    Moves the player to the directed room.

  • take/get + "itemName"
    ie: take sword
    Gets the item from ground.

  • drop + "itemName"
    ie: drop sword
    Drops the item to ground.

  • examine/info/look + "entity"
    ie: look chest
    Obserb the entity and get detail.

  • detail + "direction"
    ie: detail north
    Gives the info of exit if it is locked or not.

  • equip/eq + "itemName"
    ie: eq sword
    Equips the item.

  • unequip + "itemName"
    ie: eq sword
    Unequips the item.

  • attack + "npcName"
    ie: attack zga
    Attacks to the enemy.

  • unlock + "direction"
    ie: unlock north
    Unlocks the exit if you have the key.

  • use + "potionName"
    ie: use potion
    Uses potion and replenish health.

  • take/get + "itemName" + from + "storageName
    ie: take sword from chest
    Loots item from storage items.

Win Run Example

If you follow these instructions you will beat the game!

  • info backpack
  • get firescroll from backpack
  • get potionsmall from backpack
  • eq firescroll
  • attack zga
  • use potionsmall
  • get woodenkey
  • unlock north
  • move north
  • info chest
  • get sword from chest
  • get airscroll from chest
  • eq sword
  • move west
  • get earthscroll
  • eq earthscroll
  • attack kenk
  • get crystalkey
  • move east
  • move north
  • take potionmedium
  • use potionmedium
  • unlock west
  • move west
  • info satchel
  • get rustykey from satchel
  • get darkplate from satchel
  • eq darkplate
  • move east
  • move south
  • unlock east
  • move east
  • attack ates
  • get lavakey
  • get greatsword
  • equip greatsword
  • move west
  • move north
  • move west
  • move north
  • info pouch
  • get waterscroll from pouch
  • get potionlarge from pouch
  • use potionlarge
  • unlock east
  • move east
  • attack drake


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
