Pizzeria Don Remolo REST API

This is a basic api for the ID For Ideas project 3, which serves as a practice.

│   client.ts       # Instance for the prism client. It is the one that interacts with the database models
│   schema.prisma   # The Prisma schema file (short: schema file, Prisma schema or schema) is the main configuration
│                     file for your Prisma setup
│   seed.ts         # File to populate the database with information from a mock
└───__mocks__       # Folder with the dummy data to inect into the database from seed.ts
|   app.ts          # Server Config
│   index.ts        # Application entry point
│   middleware.ts   # functions that are executed before a route to do a specific action, for example protect a route
|                     if it is not authenticated.
└───ApiError        # Folder where all the functionality to generate errors is located
└───config          # Environment variables and configuration related stuff
└───controllers     # Application controllers
└───routes          # Application
└───services        # All the business logic is here
└───useCases        # This is where we centralize our logic. Each use case orchestrates all of the logic for
│                     a specific business use case.
└───utilities       # Application utilities


Project is created with:

  • Typescript
  • ExpressJS
  • Yarn
  • Prisma ORM
  • Bcrypt
  • JWT

Minimum Requirements

  • Yarn v1.22.19
  • NodeJS v14.20.1
  • Docker Desktop v4.19.0

Variables Enviroment

Add in the root a folder called env and inside a file .env

DATABASE_URL = "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/donremolodb?schema=public"
PORT = 5000
JWT_SECRET_KEY = 'secret_key'


Install the dependencies

$ yarn install
  • IMPORTANT! Before you start you need to run docker compose and the seed to create your database and fill it with data that is in /prisma/mocks

Run the following command to create a database service in a Docker container, this only needs to be done when you first download the repository or if you delete the docker services from Docker Desktop.

$ docker compose up -d
  • The -d (detach) is for the container to start working in the background as soon as everything is finished downloading.

In order for the prism schematic containing the database models to be entered into the database, you must run the following command:

$ yarn prisma db push

The prisma client also needs to know this schema, for that the client must be generated with the schema. To generate the client we will use the following command:

$ yarn prisma generate

Run the following command to populate the database with product information.

$ yarn prisma db seed

Start the application

Run the project

$ yarn dev