
Algorithms, structures - smth for fundamental knowledges!

Primary LanguageJava


Content details📃

  • Labwork_1 - Bubble Sort, Modified Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort - source code and comparisons;
  • Labwork_2 - Counting invertions(reading content from file) and give the result - source code works with a help of algorithm: merge sort;
  • Labwork_3 - Quick Sort, Quick Sort with medians, Quick Sort with 3 pivots - source code and output of comparisons quantity;
  • Labwork_4 - bypassing graph with DFS algorithm with a help of adjacency matrix, outputing traversal order + manual checking;
  • Labwork_5 - Heapsort with the aim to estimate the sequence of medians for the given array + manual checking;
  • Labwork_6 - HashTable (Hash func FVN1-32),investigate techniques for inserting and searching elements in the hash table, while also considering the possibility of setting the array manually or randomly;
  • Labwork_7 - Binary Tree Search with calculating sum in the consequence nodes + manual solution and research;
  • Labwork_8 - Greedy algorithms,A*(algorithm) pathing, also here we have API tokens from Google Maps;