
Quests Creator Extension for GDevelop 5

MIT LicenseMIT


Quests Creator Extension for GDevelop 5 Create quests easily With Quests Creator, you can easily create quests for your game. For example collect 3 coins, or kill 3 zombies.

How to use

  • 1 - Start Quests Creator with the function Init Quests Creator "At the begin of the scene"
  • 2 - Create a quest with (Collect) Create quest add the parameters requested by the action.
  • 3 - Use the Check if all objects are collected action to keep the count of the object you want to collect up to date. You will have to create your own UI and assign the fields that you want to be visible in your scene.

Fields available

  • Title typeof String
  • Description typeof String
  • Status (Active, Inactive, Completed, Failed) typeof String
  • CanAbandon typeof Boolean True|False

Expressions that return the current value

** Tip: You will have to pass the quest ID parameter.

  • QuestsCreator::Title(Variable(QuestID)) Return String
  • QuestsCreator::Description(Variable(QuestID)) Return String
  • QuestsCreator::Status(Variable(QuestID)) Return String
  • QuestsCreator::CanAbandon(Variable(QuestID)) Return Boolean
  • QuestsCreator::ToCollect(Variable(QuestID)) Return Number returns the value of objects to collect.
  • QuestsCreator::Collected(Variable(QuestID)) Return Number Returns the total value of objects collected.
  • QuestsCreator::Collect(Variable(QuestID)) Return increments the +1 value of collected.


  • Ìnit Quests Creator Starts the Quests Creator engine and sets the scene variable QuestsCreator
  • Save - Save all data to the QuestsCreator scene variable
  • LoadAll - Load all data from the Storage into the QuestsCreator scene variable
  • (Collect) Create a new quest - Create a new quest.
  • Find a quest by ID - Find a quest by its ID, this action also creates a scene variable called Quest and saves the data of that quest in it. You can then access using Quest.ID or Quest["ID"] to get the values.
  • Check if all objects are collected - Constantly checks if the amount of objects collected is equal to the objects that have to be collected. In case if you set the quest to Completed.
  • Update quest title - Updates the Title of the quest.
  • Update quest title - Updates the Description of the quest.
  • Update quest title - Updates the Status of the quest.
  • Update quest can be abandoned - Updates CanAbandon of the quest.
  • (Collect) Add 1 collectable - Add 1 to the objects to collect in the Collected variable


  • Quest exists - Checks if a quest exists given its ID
  • (Collect) Is quest completed? - Checks if the Status of the quest is equal to Completed.