
Node stream based solution to translate Google Takeout Locations History json to GeoJson

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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This node script is intended to be used in order to translate Google takeout locations history to geojson.

  • What is GeoJson? --> read here
  • What is Google location history? --> read here
  • Where can I get my Google account location history? --> look here

Google location history archive

What follows is the content structure of a Google location history archive:

  • .zip archive
    • .html info file
    • locations history folder
      • .json locations history file

Google location history json file

A basic example of an input file

  "locations": [
      "timestampMs": "1507330772000",
      "latitudeE7": 419058658,
      "longitudeE7": 125218684,
      "accuracy": 16,
      "velocity": 0,
      "altitude": 66,
      "activity": [
          "timestampMs": "1507049587082",
          "activity": [
              "type": "TILTING",
              "confidence": 100
          "timestampMs": "1507049736368",
          "activity": [
              "type": "IN_VEHICLE",
              "confidence": 33
              "type": "STILL",
              "confidence": 33
              "type": "UNKNOWN",
              "confidence": 17
              "type": "ON_FOOT",
              "confidence": 12
              "type": "WALKING",
              "confidence": 12
              "type": "ON_BICYCLE",
              "confidence": 6

Google location history in GeoJson format

A basic example of an output file

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "properties": {
        "timestamp": "2017-10-06T22:59:32.000Z",
        "accuracy": 16,
        "velocity": null,
        "altitude": 66

Stream based approach

Even if the transformation is straightforward it is not possible to achieve it using a simple array map because of the huge amount of data to manage.

Error arising without using streams

  • File: 2.json
  • Size: 1.16 GB
  • Error message: Cannot create a string longer than 0x3fffffe7 characters
  • Error code: ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG

Node cannot buffer the file for us because:

  • the size of the file is bigger than the maximum one Node.js itself is capable of creating a string for.
  • the size of the file is bigger than the maximum one Node.js is able to store in memory at once.

Stream solution

Defined in the streamProcessing file.

  1. #82B366 [Read] --- fileToStream --> Input file to stream.
  2. #D6B656 [Transform] --- streamParser --> Consumes text, and produces a stream of data items corresponding to high-level tokens.
  3. #D6B656 [Transform] --- streamPicker --> Is a token item filter, it selects objects from a stream ignoring the rest and produces a stream of objects (locations in our case).
  4. #D6B656 [Transform] --- streamArrayer --> It assumes that an input token stream represents an array of objects and streams out assembled JavaScript objects (locations in our case).
  5. #D6B656 [Transform] --- streamGeoJsoner --> It transforms google takeout locations into GeoJson locations.
  6. #D6B656 [Transform] --- streamStringer --> It stringifies GeoJson locations.
  7. #B85450 [Write] --- streamToFile --> Stream to Output file.



  • node v13.7.0


  • npm i


  • npm run test


  • Copy one or more Google location history json files inside the ./input folder.
  • npm run start [-- fromTimestampMs toTimestampMs]
  • Access the GeoJson files results of the translation inside the ./output folder.


You can optionally set a time range window in order to filter locations out of the output.
Timestamp parameters must be defined as milliseconds epoch timestamps.

  • fromTimestampMs: lower bound timestamp.
  • toTimestampMs: upper bound timestamp.

Note that you can as well set only one of the two bounds either the lower or the upper one.


  1. Translate files without applying time filtering:
    • npm run start
  2. Maintain only locations with timestamp between Tuesday, 1 January 2019 00:00:00 and Tuesday, 31 December 2019 23:59:59:
    • npm run start -- 1546300800000 1577836799000
  3. Maintain only locations with timestamp subsequent to Tuesday, 1 January 2019 00:00:00:
    • npm run start -- 1546300800000
  4. Maintain only locations with timestamp prior to Tuesday, 31 December 2019 23:59:59:
    • npm run start -- x 1577836799000

Exectution example output

Input folder content

  • 1_locations.json
  • 4_locations.json
  • x_empty.json --> this is going to fail!

Process logs


More cool logs

Command: npm run start over 5 input files.

Please note the journey of the 2.json file:

  • 1167.11297 Mb --> 1.16 GB
  • 3688763 --> almost 4 milion locations processed
  • 551.443 Secs --> almost 10 minutes processing


Command: npm run start -- 1546300800000 1577836799000 over 5 input files.

Please note how the number of GeoJson locations in the output decreases.


Possible bug