Simple wrapper to send Messages to Synology Chat
Simple wrapper to send Messages to Synology Chat
🌟 If you want a Go version, please check go-synology-chat 🌟
- Out of the box simple Interface. 🔥
- Added support for multimedia messages 🍺
- Simple way to send direct messages to one or many users 🎉
- Direct support to list users and channels 🔊
is supported 💪- Easy to use and great test coverage ✅
npm install synology-chat-communicator
const { sendDirectMessage, getUsers, getChannels } = require('synology-chat-communicator')({
token: '<YOUR-TOKEN>',
baseUrl: 'https://<IP-OR-URL>:<PORT>',
ignoreSSLErrors: true
;(async () => {
const channels = await getChannels()
console.log("channels:", channels)
const users = await getUsers()
console.log("users:", users)
const user = users[0]
const userIdsList ={user_id}) => user_id)
const message = await sendDirectMessage(user.user_id, `Hello, ${user.username}!`)
console.log("message:", message)
const mediaMessage = await sendDirectMessage(user.user_id, `Check out this cool picture, ${user.username}!`, '')
console.log("Media Message:", mediaMessage)
const massiveMessage = await sendDirectMessage(userIdsList, "I am the new 🤖. Chat with me!")
console.log("Massive Message:", massiveMessage)
If you have a Synology NAS with invalid SSL certificates (due to expiration or other issues), you can disable the SSL validation in the requests generated by the library by using the configuration parameter ignoreSSLErrors
Please check out the official DSM Documentation to include new features
Development only:
- Standard - Linting propuses
- Husky - Git Hooks
- commitlint - Linting commit messages
- jest - Testing
- standard - Linting
- standard-version - Manage changelog and releases
Production only:
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Ulises Gascón - Initial work- - @ulisesGascon
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- This project is under development, but you can help us to improve it! We ❤️ FOSS!