
Solo project from Scrimba: an app to search and save preferred movies, using the OMDB API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie Watchlist

This is a solution to a solo project from Scrimba. Solo projects are meant to challenge the skills you've learnt so far through the courses; there is no solution given by Scrimba.

The challenge

  • Two pages: index.html & watchlist.html
  • The index page is the search page; when you click 'search' it will call to the OMDB API with the title that you searched for and display the search results
  • Each search result has a button 'add to watchlist' which saves the data to local storage
  • Watchlist.html loads and displays data from the local storage

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • CSS Grid, CSS Flexbox
  • JavaScript
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Light and dark version
  • Figma design files from Scrimba

Live URL