GO WebApp
Why Go?
- Focus on simplicity and clarity
- Full-features HTTP processing and templating libraries
- Easy to deploy
Handling Basic Requests
- Need to use Connection Handler for concurrent requests. Otherwise can just handle 1 request on the port it's listening on.
- Connection Handler creates a goroutine which will listen on another port to handle communication back and forth to honor that request.
- Built in Handlers
- NotFoundHandler
- Returns a 404 to the requester.
- RedirectHandler(url string, code int)
- StripPrefix(prefix string, h handler)
- TimeoutHandler(h handler, dt time.Duration, msg string)
- dt -> the amount of time the handler, h, is allowed to process
- FileServer(root FileSystem)
- FileSystem is an interface that defines one method, Open
- Can use type Dir to delegate to machine OS
{{command1, command2, command3}}
Commands - Literal String or Number - Function Name - Data Field (i.e. {{.Title}}) - Method - Argument
Output - Must have one or two values. - Second must be an error type.
{{ command1 command2 | command3 }} - The pipe passes the reuslt of previous command as last argument of next command.
3rd Party Routers
- gorilla/mux
- Can do a lot, but sacrifice performance.
- julienschmidt/httprouter
- Focused on speed above everything else.
You need to inherit all behavior from base classes in a class based inheritance model, but often times you don’t want everything. Go's struct embedding allows more flexibility.
export GOPATH=~/projects/go-webapp/ go install src/example