usc-utils-api is a java api for converting Ulord private key to Ulord-Sidechain private key and vice-versa.
To use the api, download and copy the usc-utils-api-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar file into libs directory of the project, and add the following in build.gradle dependencies section:-
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
import utils.UscConversionUtils;
//To convert Ulord private key to USC private key
String uscPrivKey = UscConversionUtils.privKeyToUscFormat("UlordPrivateKey");
//To get the USC address
String address = UscConversionUtils.getUscAddress("uscPrivKey").toLowerCase();
//To get USC Public key
String uscPubKey = UscConversionUtils.getUscPubKey("uscPrivKey").toLowerCase();
//To convert USC private key to Ulord private key
//First Parameter can be either ("main", "test")
//@main to generate private key for mainnet.
//@test to generate Private key for testnet.
String ulordPrivateKey = UscConversionUtils.getUldPrivateKey("test","UscPrivateKey")