
Data Analytics Full Time Miami June 2019

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

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Ironhack Data Analytics Labs 11

Getting Started

  1. Install grip with brew install grip (Mac) or pip install grip (Windows).

  2. Start local Markdown server:

$ grip -b README.md 8080 --user <your-github-username> --pass <your-github-password>

💡 grip uses the GitHub Markdown API to render the files in localhost so that you'll see exactly how GitHub would render the Markdown files. Running grip with your Github username and password will allow you to make unrestricted requests to GitHub. If you see error when you run the problem that says GitHub Rate Limit Reached, it's because you didn't run grip with your GitHub credentials or the provided credentials are incorrect.

Working on the Assignments

To work on your first assignment, create a branch of your own with your name (change the branch name unless your name is John Doe):

$ git checkout -b john-doe

Each project/lab has its own directory in which you'll find a README.md file and a sub-directory named your-code. The descriptions and requirements of the assignment can be found in the README file. When you work on the assignment, create your code files in the your-code directory and save regularly while you work.

After you finish, add those files to git, commit, and push your branch to GitHub. In the commit message, specify which lab/project you are submitting. For example:

$ git add <files-to-add>
$ git commit -m "Module 1 MySQL project"
$ git push origin john-doe

The instructional team will review your branch and provide feedback.

To work on the subsequent assignments, keep using the same branch you created and push your new codes to GitHub.

❗ Update your branch regularly because the curriculum development team is developing new assignments for you as the course proceeds. Make sure you have committed all your codes then exectue git pull origin master to obtain the latest code from the master branch.

Happy coding!