
This Wordle Game Clone is a web-based replica of the popular word game, challenging users to deduce a hidden 5-letter word within 6 attempts using color-coded feedback.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wordle Game Clone

Welcome to my Wordle clone! This project is a recreation of the popular online game where the goal is to guess a 5-letter word within 6 attempts.


This is a simple and fun web-based game that challenges you to guess the hidden word based on color-coded feedback from your previous guesses.

How to Play

  1. Start by guessing any 5-letter word.
  2. Once entered, each letter of your guess will change color according to the following rules:
    • Green: The letter is correct and in the right position.
    • Yellow: The letter is correct but in the wrong position.
    • Gray: The letter does not exist in the word.
  3. Based on the feedback from your guesses, attempt to deduce the word!
  4. Remember, you only have 6 chances. Good luck!


To run this project, you will need to use your own API key from WordsAPI. Get it here. Once you have it, replace the placeholder text "insert your key here" in the index.js file with your actual key.


The project is created with:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • WordsAPI


This project is a clone and meant for educational purposes only. All rights belong to their respective owners.