
Contains all of the website content; markdown only.

MIT LicenseMIT



You've found AirReps's official guides/documentation website!

We strive to keep our docs open, and easily understandable.Therefore, if you think we should change something, please fork this repository, make a change/edit/new document, and raise a pull request!

I'm new to Git, how can I contribute?

Github has a fantastic tutorial, which walks you through the core processes of git. These are:

  • Creating a repository (not necessary for your needs)
  • Creating a branch (not necessary for your needs)
  • Making a commit
  • Opening a Pull Request
  • Merging a Pull Request (not necessary for your needs)

That may seem overwhelming, but this is all you need to do:

  1. First, make sure you have a GitHub account.
  2. Fork this repository by pressing the Fork button in the top right hand corner
    • fork button
  3. Open up your forked repository and edit where needed.
  4. When ready, Open a Pull Request to merge your local changes, into our repository.
  5. Our team will be notified that a new PR has been raised.If everything looks good, we'll merge it in 🎉🎉

Adding New Pages

New pages can be added, so long as they follow our naming and header conventions.

Document naming convention



Document header convention

All documents require this header!

id: {{category}}-{{topic}}
title: {{human-readable-titel}}
custom_edit_url: https://github.com/AirReps/website-content/blob/edit/{{document-name}}.md

id: guide-troubleshooting
title: Troubleshooting
custom_edit_url: https://github.com/AirReps/website-content/blob/edit/guide-troubleshooting.md

Linking newly added pages (dev team only)

Only members of our teamn can link new pages to our website logic.

Add the document's header id to sideBars.js in our airreps-site repository. Merge when ready.

Build & Deploy (dev team only)

Build and deployments are handled automatically by our pipeline. This happens when a PR is completed on website-content's master branch.

However, you can trigger a build/deployment cycle manually if desired.

Run a manual build/deployment

You can run a build/deployment cycle with Github Actions in this repository.

  1. Navigate to the "Actions" tab
  2. Click Run Workflow
    • Make sure Use workflow from: "Branch: master" is selected.
  3. Click the green Run Workflow button.