
Add nice pre-made functions to your bash scripts

Primary LanguageShell


Add nice pre-made functions to your bash scripts

How to use

  1. Add these lines at the beginning of your code, after setting your basic variables :
# Download bash API
if [ ! -f "ultimate-bash-api.sh" ]; then
	wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UltimateByte/ultimate-bash-api/master/ultimate-bash-api.sh
	chmod +x ultimate-bash-api.sh
source ultimate-bash-api.sh
  1. Enjoy using functions in your code

fn_echo "Your text here"

Will echo your text with a nice form

fn_logecho "Your text here"

Will echo your text with a nice form to the log file


After defining the "mailsubject" and "mailcontent" vars, will send a mail to the contact email set into the API (mailto_address)


Will send the latest log to the given address


Will output the past duration since the api was sourced (typically in the early moments of your script)

More to come, work in progress