
MIPS to Binary and Binary to MIPS side project

Primary LanguageScala

Shubhankar Singh 2019

MIPStoBinary: //MIPS assembler to a text form of its binary representation

//https://www.eg.bucknell.edu/~csci320/mips_web/ //This source was just used heavily to validated that my program was working correctly^ //https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61c/resources/MIPS_Green_Sheet.pdf //This source is just the MIPS green sheet^

A program to convert a line or lines of MIPS assembler to a text form of its binary representation. Such a program could range from fairly simple (only a subset of instructions, limited or no support for labels) to fairly complex

//My program supports about 18 instructions. This is nearly half of the MIPS instructions. //It supports common instructions from R, I, and J types. //The program (aka assembler) can also recognize labels which took some thinking //I focused on the MIPS instructions people are more likely to use. //It took about 11 hours of work more or less.21_2019_Singh