
Hi everyone, check my new project out. I used Flutter to build this app.

Primary LanguageDart


Hi everyone, check my new project out. I used Flutter to build this app. Hello everyone. So after acquiring a skill in Data Analytics and ML, i decided to also self-teach Mobile Development.

it's been over three months now and I'm pretty much enjoying the process. Every week I create a project regardless of it's functionalities. as a results, i'm begining to gradually benefit from the efforts.

In the next quarter, I will start to learn about Backed dev especially Firebase so I could create realtime Apps.

This week, I built GPT. Ghana property trading. it has limited features but my goals for the week have been met.

I got the UI inspiration from Dribble and decided to hardcode it. it been exciting.

You can contribute or collaborate so that we make it a fully function real estate application.

Please find the code in the lib directory.