
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Live Website

Live Rails API



Care is a Full-Stack React & Rails crud app with authentication where the user can track his mood, symptoms, log food, track medications, and share insights with the community. So far there are 10 tables all with full crud and associations


  • Care will feature full-crud functionality for: moods, affirmations and insights, which will be managed by a user. ✔️
  • Allow for user sign up, authentication, login, and verification. ✔️
  • Care will feature mobile-first design, that follows some of the material-design principles. ✔️


  • Restrict the app only for logged in users (unlogged in users will be redirected to register/login). ✔️
  • Insights page: user will be able to delete+edit his own insights, but not other users insights. ✔️
  • Mobile-friendly design ✔️
  • Care will be user-friendly. ✔️


  • thinking about a transition from mobile to desktop mode (Media query) that makes sense, since this is a heavily mobile focused app ✔️

Libraries and Dependencies

Library Description
React Front-end client server
React Router Front-end navigation between pages
Axios NPM Package to help make API requests
Styled-Components Front-end styling package
Material-UI Front-end styling package
Ruby on Rails Back-end server
React-Moment React component for the moment date library.
Rack-CORS back-end support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for Rack compatible web applications.
JWT back-end authentication dependency
PostgreSQL object-relational database system

Client (Front End)


for the rest of the wireframes please visit this link:

Mobile Login

mobile login

Care logo made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com

Mobile Home

Low-fi Code Sandbox

mobile home

Mobile Community

mobile community

Mobile More

mobile more

Component Tree

Component Tree Image > Component Tree Link (Whimsical)

Component Hierarchy

|__ assets/
      |__ fonts
      |__ graphics
      |__ images
      |__ mockups

|__ components
      |__ CurrentUserContext.jsx
      |__ ThemeStateContext.jsx
      |__ Moods.jsx
      |__ MoodCard.jsx
   |__ AffirmationComponents/
       |__ Affirmations.jsx
       |__ AffirmationLetter.jsx
   |__ InsightComponents/
       |__ Insights.jsx
       |__ InsightCard.jsx
|__ layouts/
     |__ Layout.jsx
     |__ Header.jsx
     |__ Footer.jsx
|__ services/
   |__ apiConfig.js
   |__ moods.js
   |__ auth.js
   |__ affirmations.js
   |__ insights.js
|_ containers/
   |__ MoodsContainer.jsx
   |__ AffirmationsContainer.jsx
   |__ InsightsContainer.jsx
|_ screens/
   |__ Home.jsx
   |__ Community.jsx
   |__ More.jsx
   |__ Login.jsx
   |__ Register.jsx
 |__ Error/
  |__ NotFound.jsx
 |__ AffirmationDialogs/
   |__ AffirmationDetail.jsx
   |__ AffirmationEdit.jsx
   |__ AffirmationCreate.jsx
|__ MoodDialogs/
   |__ MoodEdit.jsx
   |__ MoodCreate.jsx
|__ InsightScreens/
   |__ InsightEdit.jsx
   |__ InsightCreate.jsx
   |__ InsightDetail.jsx
|__ Modals/
  |__ DeleteInsight.jsx
|__ utils/
 |__ checkValidity.js
 |__ goBack.js
 |__ foodUtils.js
 |__ emojiLogic.js
 |__ getRating.js

Time Estimates

Task Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Create Insight, Affirmations, Moods, CRUD Actions in BE H 4 hrs 30min 30min
Create Symptoms BE CRUD L 1hr 20min 20min
Create Authentication in BE H 2hrs 10min 10min
Create Layout M 3hrs 30min 30min
Create FE Authentication H 3hrs 1hr 1hr
Create Insight FE-CRUD H 3hrs 2hrs 2hrs
Create Mood FE-CRUD H 3hrs 4hrs 4hrs
Create Affirmation FE-CRUD M 3hrs 2hrs 2hrs
Create Symptom FE-CRUD L 2hrs 2hrs 2hrs
Create Home Page H 2hrs 30min 30min
Create Register Page H 2hrs 30min 30min
Styling M 15 hrs 15hrs 15hrs
Create Sign-in Page H 2hrs 2.5hrs 2.5hrs
Create Insights Page H 2hr 30min 30min
Create Settings Page L 1hr 2hrs 2hrs
Create, refactor and debug Dark Mode L 1hr 6hrs 6hrs
Create Food BE-CRUD L 1hr 1hr 1hr
Create Food FE-CRUD L 2hr 2hrs 64hrs
Create FoodRegex L 4hrs 4hrs 6hrs
Fetch Medications from a 3rd Party API and handle full crud on my BE AND FE L 7hrs 7hrs 7hrs
ETC (styling, error handling, perfecting L 6hrs 6hrs 6hrs
Create likes for insights L 5hrs 10hrs 10hrs
TOTAL 49hrs 74.5hrs 74.5hrs

Why is this necessary? Time frames are key to the development cycle. You have limited time to code your app, and your estimates can then be used to evaluate possibilities of your MVP and post-MVP based on time needed. It's best you assume an additional hour for each component, as well as a few hours added to the total time, to play it safe.

Server (Back End)

ERD Model

ERD Model Link

ERD Model


  • dark mode, the user will be able to switch between light mode and dark mode. ✔️
  • symptoms, the user will be able to get, add, edit and delete symtpoms. ✔️
  • foods, the user will be able to get, add, edit, and delete foods. ✔️
  • medicine, Fetch Medications from my 2nd project's 3rd Party air-table API and handle full crud on my BE AND FE. ✔️
  • password confirm on register: you will need to confirm your password to create your account. ✔️
  • likes, be able to like an insight. ✔️
  • whitelist, if a user enters a link that is not in a whitelist, bring him to a "404 Not found" page ✔️

Code Showcase

Use this section to include a brief code snippet of functionality that you are proud of and a brief description.


This file is responsible for getting the correct icon for the food based on the typing when you create/edit your food, it uses regex and allows case insensitivity, and all symbols and spaces

The reason I call it food utils is because as you see, I'm exporting each thing, so I might want to import only one thing in that page for future use, that's why I call it foodUtils.

import RestaurantIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Restaurant";

export const foodRegex = /avocado|chicken|hamburger|burger(^cheese$)|pizza|cheeseburger|steak|meat|milk|bacon|rice|pork|soup|taco|apple|pasta|spaghetti|falafel/;

export const foodMap = {
  avocado: "🥑",
  chicken: "🍗",
  hamburger: "🍔",
  cheeseburger: "🍔",
  cheese: "🧀",
  pizza: "🍕",
  steak: "🥩",
  meat: "🍖",
  milk: "🥛",
  bacon: "🥓",
  rice: "🍚",
  pork: "🐖",
  soup: "🍲",
  taco: "🌮",
  apple: "🍎",
  pasta: "🍝",
  spaghetti: "🍝",
  falafel: "🧆",

export const foodNameJSX = (food) => {
  const result = food.name.toLowerCase().trim().match(foodRegex);
  if (result) {
    return (
  <span role="img" aria-label={food.name}>
  } else {
    return (
        <RestaurantIcon />

It takes the result that the user entered, forces it to lowerCase, trims the empty spaces, and uses match on the foodRegex

if we have a result, meaning if the input that the user has entered matches one of the names on the foodRegex, we return the first result of the foodMap, which is the icon, we surround it with a span tag and a role of "img" for accessability, then we use #8199; to add a space, simillar to nbsp but a little bigger of space, and attach it next to the food name, if the user's input DOESN"T match one of the names in the foodRegex, it will return an icon with a fork and a knife instead, which is material UI's , a user still deserves an icon for his food even if it doesnt match :), I'm planning on adding foods every day, so this foodMap and regex list will get bigger and will have more icons to match user's input over time.


  • What is RXGuide?

RXGuide is my second ever project, it's a front-end react-app that uses an airtable back end to do full crud, I use my airtable API from RXGuide on this project to Create, read, update, and delete a medication and associate it to a user.

  • What inspired you?

Making a "utility belt/self tracking" app was my dream ever since I started programming, I personally have IBD, so I want to track my mood, symptoms, medicine, etc all the time. This app allows me to do that and also share posts with the community at the same time. Before Care I used an app called "Gali Health" to track my symptoms, however Gali didn't allow me to track food, and also it was specific to IBD, whereas this app allows you to track all kinds of symptoms and share all kinds of posts.

  • Whats the next step?

The next step would be to make a React Native version of this app, because this app's design is heavily "mobile" friendly, allowing the app to be downloadable on the app store would make sense, so that's the next step for sure.

Code Issues & Resolutions

  • logged in user unauthorized/unverified when refreshing

resolution: the useEffect happens before the api get request, which means the logged in user is not verified because the api request didn't happen yet, to fix this, put the currentUser (logged-In-User) in the dependency array of the fetchData useEffect that is responsible for fetching the data that is associated with the logged-in-user.


Dec 9th, 2020:

  • added the option to edit an authorized user on the settings page(you can't edit other people's users, only yours)
  • registration and login email no longer forced to lower case as it is handeled differently.
  • added more logic to taking the meds, so when the user takes the medicine it doesn't delete it, it just tells him he took and and then he can make the decision if he wanted to delete it.

Dec 15th, 2020:

  • added password confirm.
  • currentUser is now also handeled with useReducer.

Dec 19th, 2020:

  • users can now like and unlike an insight on the insights page.
  • fixed an issue where unnecessary vertical scrolling was happening.
  • fixed a zoom bug in the register and login page where white overflow was showing in dark mode.

Dec 22nd, 2020:

  • You can now add an image when creating or editing an account, it's not required, so if an image isn't added, you get the default account circle icon.

Dec 25th, 2020:

  • You can now add an image with actual file upload instead of pasting a link.

Jan 1st, 2021:

  • You can now write a reason for how you felt when creating/editing a mood.

  • fixed a bug where sometimes in Mood Creation or Edit it would return "Invalid Date" instead of the selected date.

  • A User can now delete his account if wanting to in the settings page, he will be asked by a confirmation modal to confirm that he indeed wants to delete it.

Jan 6th, 2021:

  • Fixed an exploit where users could keep 2 tabs open and like posts twice.
  • Improved loading times for fetching posts in insights page
  • When you select a time necessary to take a medicine, it will now rerender live instead of needing to manually cause a rerender or reload.

Feb 20th, 2021:

  • Replaced pure white background color with eggshell white for light mode for eye comfort and style.
  • Users can now comment, edit comments, and delete comments on insights.
  • You can also now see a user's liked insights inside his profile page

Feb 21st, 2021:

  • Fixed a bug where sometimes a taken medicine wouldn't get saved to the database.

March 4th, 2021:

  • Created PrivateRoute.jsx, Created AllUsersContext and AllUsersReducer.js

June 20th, 2021:

  • Updated the community page with likes and comments feed.

May 15th, 2024

  • Fix error messsages not showing on login fail.
  • Add error messages to register page