
Urdu Ligatures dataset / 38K-Training images & 7K-Testing images / Uniformly embedded Ligatures


45K+ Clean-Background-Urdu-Ligatures-Dataset

Urdu Ligatures dataset / 38K-Training images & 7K-Testing images / Uniformly imbedded Ligatures

Synthetic ->> Urdu Ligatures Dataset for Urdu Text Recognition

# Urdu Ligatures Dataset (Synthetic 45K+ images)

--->>> The Given dataset here is most similar to dataset we used in our exmperiments/research with minor differences. The images and their annotation are given in text with its filenames contain Urdu ligature information and name of files representing types of transformations applied. So, from given annotation information and images they can be used for training different machine learning algorithms. .

Cleaned Background based Urdu Ligatures

--->>> The Urdu-Ligatures-Dataset consisting of more than 45000 images (also corresponding 45000 annotations) is most similar to the dataset we used in our exmperiments/research with minor differences. Images are given in zipped format and the annotations are in text files .

Please cite our dataset as!!
Syed Yasser Arafat, and Muhmmad Javed Iqbal. "Two Stream Deep Neural Network for Sequence-Based Urdu Ligature Recognition." IEEE Access 7 (2019): 159090-159099..

for any queries: [Syed Yasser Arafat]:
