
ProductivePy is a productivity tool for Python developers that helps automate repetitive tasks and saves time.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


ProductivePy is a productivity tool for Python developers that helps automate repetitive running code tasks and saves time.


To install ProductivePy, run the following command:

  • Install required modules.
$ pip3 install typer typing colorama prettytable secrets
  • Clone the productivePy Github repository.
$ git clone "https://github.com/UltronTheAI/productivePy.git"
  • Copy the productivePy.py file from ./productivePy/productivePy.py in to your project.
$ cp ./productivePy/productivePy.py "path to your project"
  • Go to your project.
$ cd "Your project"
  • Create new python file, and run it with ProductivePy.
$ python3 productivePy.py run $fileName


ProductivePy supports the following commands:

  • run: Run a Python file
  • re-run: Re-run the last Python file that was run
  • status: Show the status of running tasks
  • stop: Stop a running task
  • stopAll: Stop all running tasks


ProductivePy supports the following options:

  • --version: Get the version of ProductivePy
  • --dealy: Set a timeout for running a file after updating
  • --args: Add arguments to the command used to run the file
  • --clear: Clear the screen before re-running a file
  • --autostart: Auto-restart a file after it ends

Command and Options, Examples

  • To run a python file.
$ python3 productivePy.py run $fileName
  • Status
$ python3 productivePy.py status
  • Re-run, you can get id, by running status command, or searching id from productivePy.json, file in your project dir.
$ python3 productivePy.py re-run $id
  • Stop, this command takes id, to stop the running process.
$ python3 productivePy.py stop $id
  • stopAll, this command will stop all running processes.
$ python3 productivePy.py stopAll
  • --clear argument, this argument will clear your screen after your code re-runs, when updated.
$ python3 productivePy.py run $fileName --clear
  • --dealy, this argument set up the dealy, between shifting from running file to re-run it.
$ python3 productivePy.py run $fileName --dealy 4
  • --autostart, this argument, autostart's your running process, when it is finished.
$ python3 productivePy.py run $fileName --autostart
  • --args, this argument add the extra args, => python3 $fileName $args
$ python3 productivePy.py run $fileName --args $args



Install productivePy, on linux

$ git clone "https://github.com/UltronTheAI/productivePy.git"
$ chmod +x install_on_linux.sh
$ ./install_on_linux.sh



ProductivePy is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.