Team, The Developers's project for Codathon event for the 6th CSI JK STATE STUDENT CONVENTION 2020. Update: This Project was awarded the FIRST prize
Login as Admin or User.
OTP Authentication
Add new product (only for admin). Admin can choose Name, description, price and Image for product
View products
Write a review (only for user).
Delete review, block/unblock user (only for admin)
Notification, if new spam review is detected (only for admin)
Remove Products
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Note: This app is not fully tested so unexpected behaviour may occur in some devices.
Spam detection
A sophisticated system is built to detect spam reviews. Detection process involves two phases
Logically detecting if user has reviewed multiple times on the same product
Machine learning classification model (using Tensorflow lite) is used to analyze text and classify review into truthful or deceptive.
Dataset is downloaded from Kaggle
If a review is detected as spam in both the phases, then review is confirmed to be spam and Alert Notification is show to admin.
If review is detected as spam in anyone of the phase, then review is marked as potential spam and admin is notified.
Check out Jupyter Notebook
Tensorflow lite is used to embed model into Android app.
Model resides in app/src/main/assets/model.tflite
Phone numbers for testing:
Phone number
Verification code
+91 66666 66666
+91 11 1111 1111
+91 88888 88888
Welcome Page
Login via Phone
Submit OTP
Submit details Page
Home page (Notification for admin)
Add Product (admin feat.)
Write Review (user)
Review Details (admin)
Reviews Page
When admin blocks the user and next time user opens app, gets this msg
Note: This app was developed in hurry because of limited time in hackathon. So bugs and issues are expected.