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Programs Included are: VPC and EC2 infrastructure, ECS with fargate and tested with nginx (can be find in commit#13) & CI/CD pipelines. I combined "CI/CD pipelines" & "ECS with fargate" in commit # 14 to deploy spring boot app using these branches in pipelines 1. springboot & 2. s3-ecr-pipeline that can be found on my account.
Chat client that will interact with a nonblocking chat server. This chat client follows a specific protocol to establish communication and sharing of messages with my chat server
This chat server is capable of handling a larger number of clients without creating threads for each client. I have followed a nonblocking way for creating a chat server in java. Like any other nonblocking server special protocol is created for client-server communication. Some improvements are required to handle the partial read/write problem.
This is a chat Application that I have implemented by using RMI. I have also included program statement in the folder for your convience
All pair approach to recognize handwritten digits based on the MNIST dataset.
This project scope encapsulate crud operations with use of liquibase, hibernate, specifications, use of java proxy, unit tests with junit and mockito, swagger, lombok, actuator, docker-compose and aws build service
C++ code for First phase of compiler construction(Lexical Analyzer). It takes an input language and creates token-lexme pairs. Input language is in and token-lexeme file contains token lexeme pairs
C++ code for second phase of Compiler Construction (Parser). I have combined code of lexical analyzer with parser for your convince. It takes token-lexeme pairs as input and generates a parse tree. Parser is used to identify valid statement. In case of incorrect statement it will print error in parse tree
This is my implementation of Raft consensus algorithm that I did for own learning. Please follow the link to learn more about raft consensus algorithm And Soon, I will be developing same algorithm in Java as well
Umartahir93's Repositories
C++ code for First phase of compiler construction(Lexical Analyzer). It takes an input language and creates token-lexme pairs. Input language is in and token-lexeme file contains token lexeme pairs
All pair approach to recognize handwritten digits based on the MNIST dataset.
C++ code for second phase of Compiler Construction (Parser). I have combined code of lexical analyzer with parser for your convince. It takes token-lexeme pairs as input and generates a parse tree. Parser is used to identify valid statement. In case of incorrect statement it will print error in parse tree
This is a chat Application that I have implemented by using RMI. I have also included program statement in the folder for your convience
Chess game implemented using game theory and alpha beta pruning. All the logics of the chess moves, alpha beta pruning are implemented correctly. But it throws exception when it is run. It was my AI assignment I was not able to resolve this due to shortage of time and submitted as it is.
These are introductory/Basic codes to network programming. It contains UDP multicasting and TCP connections codes in java. If you are new to network programming you can start from here
C++ code for the Translator (in Compiler Construction). Translator will generate three address code. I have included question statement in the folder so that you can understand all the functionalities of the translator.