
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


This workflow automatically reviews pull requests when they are opened, synced, or labeled.


  1. Place this workflow in the .github/workflows directory of your repository.
  2. Add GPT_API_KEY to your GitHub repository secrets.
  3. Create or update a pull request and label it auto-review.
  4. The workflow will run and review automatically. Review results are displayed as pull request comments.

Workflow Details

My Workflow consists of the following jobs.

  1. gpt-auto-review: Runs when a pull request is open, synced, or labeled auto-review. This job performs the following steps:
    • Checkout repository
    • Get pull request information
    • Install Rust
    • run build
    • Run gpt-auto-review to review the pull request.
    • Post the review result as a pull request comment.

Now let's use My Workflow to easily perform automated pull request reviews.