Event Management Platform


Event Management Form is a web application that allows users to carry out operations mainly of creating events, allowing different users to book events available in the system. The Platform will contain a dashboard accessed by authorised users to access or carry out operations based on their role in the system (Role Based Access Control).

Technologies Used

The following are the technologies which have been used in this API with their URLs

Service local development

The application shows different operation of Events available in the system and allows logged in users to book for the events

  • To set up the service

Create a .env file with at least the following variables as per .env.example:


Install required packages

npm install

Start the service:

npm run dev

This script starts the application in the development mode, consult package.json to learn more about scripts

  • Now you can open your browser and interact with these URLs:

API JSON based web API based on OpenAPI: http://localhost:3000

Event Management Platform

Here is the link to the backend of the Event Management Platform.

Author and Acknowledgement

Jessie Umuhire Umutesi