Mobile Development Mini Project 2


This project illustrates the 90% implementation of the App called B Ticket App. The app app will allow passengers to securely purchase and store their bus tickets on their smartphones, reducing the risk of loss and ensuring they can easily access their tickets before boarding the bus. This solution will enhance the efficiency, safety, and convenience of the transportation system in Rwanda, and contribute to the modernization of the sector.

Note: Here is the figma design of the App

Packages Used

This project has used the some packages like flutter font awesome icons that must be installed before running the project. Read more on flutter font awesome icons


To run the project there is a need to have flutter, dart, and Visual Studio Code (vs code) installed on your PC:

  • flutter: It is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross-platform applications for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS
  • dart: It is a programming language designed for client development, such as for the web and mobile apps.
  • vs code: It is a source-code editor made by Microsoft with the Electron Framework, for Windows, Linux, and macOS.


  1. Clone the project
git clone
  1. Open the project with vs code
cd miniproject2_cohort2_group5
code .
  1. Install packages used in the project
flutter pub get
  1. Run the project (Ensure to choose the device to be used)
flutter run

Note: The project may take long to load please wait as it is finish to load

Authors and Acknowledgment

  • Jessie Umuhire Umutesi
  • Patrick Mushimiye
  • Mum Kiir



Project status

The 90% of project is done, more code (Pull Requests) will be added as we complete it.