
Primary LanguageJavaScript

User Service API


User Service API is the API within the Game Prize System that will carry out different operations; CRUD operations around the users in the system. The User is created by his/her userId, phoneNumber, email, firstName, lastName, and password. Upon the creation of the user in the system, the additional fields, isVerified which is set to false by default and isActive will also be added to it with the value set to true.

Technologies Used

The following are the technologies which have been used in this API with their URLs

Service local development

The service demonstrates different operation of Users (CRUD operation) using Express.

Feel free to modify variables (such as APPLICATION_NAME) so that you can see how each of you can trace your microservices separately.

  • To set up the service

Create a .env file with at least the following variables as per .env.example:


Install required packages

npm install

Start the service:

npm run dev

This script starts the application in the development mode, consult package.json to learn more about scripts

  • Now you can open your browser and interact with these URLs:

API JSON based web API based on OpenAPI: http://localhost:5000/api-docs/

Running Tests

The API endpoints have also been tested using the package mocha and chai to see if the expected responses are the one that are being returned. Use the following command to run the tests.

Ensure that you have installed all the necessary packages as per package.json in environment for testing, and that configuration variables are well set i.e., testing database is set before running the command.

npm run test