
This repository was replaced by https://github.com/UnTraDe/terraria-autoswing

Primary LanguageC++


Simple mod for Terraria that removes the need to click repeatly to attack with weapons.

I tested this on version Works only on Windows. You can download it from here: https://github.com/UnTraDe/TerrariaMod/releases/latest The code is currently a big mess and there is a lot that need refactoring and optimizing. Hopefully I'll do that soon.

This is the first working version of the mod, there might be a few bugs. Should work on multiplayer although not tested enough.

How to use:

  1. Launch Terraria
  2. Enter some world
  3. Launch Injector.exe
  4. Wait until a messagebox saying "Ready!" will appear.

Have fun!

If you get an error saying something like: "MSVCP140.dll is missing" you need to download this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145

(Note: After you done this once, you don't need to do it again even if you switch worlds. But you do need to do it again if you exit Terraria completely)

Disclaimer: Since this method is using memory editing (similiar to what a lot of hacks are doing), it might be detected by anti-cheat protections like VAC and would result in ban. As far as I know VAC is not enabled for Terraria. I tried it myself on my Steam version and nothing happened, but just to be safe, I don't take any responsibility on what might happen.