
Python library to interact synchronously and asynchronously with tio.run

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python library to interact synchronously and asynchronously with tio.run

Tio (its name in Python, due to existing conflicts) allows you to formulate valid requests for the TIO platform and send them in an async (or not) manner.


A basic example:

>>> from Tio import Tio
>>> site = Tio()
>>> request = site.new_request('python3', 'print("Hello World !")')
>>> print(site.send(request))
Hello World !

Real time: 0.049 s
User time: 0.036 s
Sys. time: 0.012 s
CPU share: 98.91 %
Exit code: 0

The lib lets you configure inputs as well as compiler flags, command-line options and other arguments:

>>> code = """
... #include <iostream>
... int main() {
...     int test = 0;
...     std::cin >> test;
...     std::cout << "You said " << test << std::endl;
... }
... """
>>> request = site.new_request('cpp-gcc', code, inputs='14')
>>> print(site.send(request))
You said 14

Real time: 0.452 s
User time: 0.359 s
Sys. time: 0.087 s
CPU share: 98.51 %
Exit code: 0