Silent Miner Documents?
Bagsclouds71 opened this issue · 10 comments
is it possible to bind silent miner to a PDF or a document , or is binding mainly to attach to another app
You can bind anything together, if you bind a .pdf and .exe then when run it will extract them both and run both just like if you double-clicked them normally. The bound file will be an .exe of course since it needs to execute, if what you're looking for is that the final file should be a .pdf then either you can use an extension spoofer or you'll have to find a .pdf exploit online.
ohh okay great, will test it out, but can the miner be arranged to run straight away hidden in the background as soon as the user opens binded pdf or jpg, instead of being need to be set up again like the usual normal miner setup
The miner will always run straight away hidden in the background when started, or do you mean that you want the miner to run without installing?
i mean after i have binded the miner with a pdf or img, when the user clicks on it the image or pdf ,is it possible for the miners to be installed and running in the background right away after the infected binded image is clicked
Yes well that's what it should always do, when you open the bound file then it will extract all the files and execute them.
so i binded the miner with an image with the goal of only the image being opened and seen by the user and the miner just running straight away in the background, but i think i messed something up as the image did not pop up, only the miner set up screen is opened, but i guess my question is ,is it able to run the miner without having to manually set it up, especially in the case to infect the user
I mean, you should bind a built miner and not the builder itself.
ohh wow that makes sense, you are right , so i need to incl all the folders that come out from the builder right into the binder right?
No only the final .exe is needed, called "whatever name you chose".exe
ohh wow thank you unam