A Free Silent (Hidden) Open-Source Native Binder - Includes Windows Defender Bypass - Unam Binder
- 1
Build Types
#74 opened by LostMySpirit - 2
Binded file (your miner) detected upon execution ettempt even after I've adder more exclusions & with delay
#64 opened by sn00rlax - 0
selling fud crypter
#65 opened by cryptttxxx - 0
- 0
Problem with UnamBinder and SilentCryptoMiner
#67 opened by DarkDeve - 1
#62 opened by lilsheepyy - 1
About startup
#61 opened by batuafk - 7
Make file run on startup
#60 opened by StroobWasTaken - 1
Double Administration?
#59 opened by LostMySpirit - 0
Cmd Line args
#58 opened by Kolhax - 2
Access is denied??
#57 opened by Danyal-noorani - 12
#56 opened by gamesaccounta - 8
Why is it detected virus in binder
#55 opened by N4ok1 - 1
You know?
#54 opened by Lastik2288 - 0
there any update soon Unam ?
#53 opened by tarekxxx - 1
Resources adding
#52 opened by shainodev - 8
Installation for all users
#34 opened by ThomasTubato - 4
any way to make it fud
#49 opened by RDisOP - 3
how did u make it generate native c stub
#51 opened by Shade4765 - 18
Cant run binded file in memory
#50 opened by tentacen - 2
Persistence and legal issues =D
#48 opened by MerlinDusBot - 2
#46 opened by kevincrafturu2 - 0
binder without dropping files
#45 opened by pcflux - 0
weird screenshots im getting
#44 opened by shainodev - 16
Windows Detections
#42 opened by varysuzuki - 1
Smart Screen detection
#43 opened by ghostyplayz - 17
error message.
#40 opened by shainodev - 0
working directory
#41 opened by shainodev - 10
Silent Miner Documents?
#39 opened by Bagsclouds71 - 12
Path not find in Managed (.NET/C#) mode
#29 opened by yegord69 - 0
#37 opened by golxd - 71
silent miner
#36 opened by Dokazz - 3
#35 opened by ThomasTubato - 2
#23 opened - 1
Why do u keep an copy of this file
#28 opened - 3
Add auto startup
#33 opened by Brainshot - 5
#31 opened by golxd - 2
Please help!
#32 opened by Brainshot - 3
- 8
Detected by defender, but only after bind
#25 opened by Bartixxx32 - 1
Detected instantly after download
#26 opened by yegord69 - 0
Administrator issue
#24 opened by MrEdwardP - 1
- 1
Illegal/special characters
#19 opened by zozidalom - 1
we need support binder in .net 4.5
#18 opened - 1
files detected
#17 opened by Elon-Sarif - 17
- 9
Execute in current folder
#14 opened by zaxinop - 19
Windows exclusions
#12 opened by shywick - 9
Update Defender Bypasses
#13 opened by netsbot