# Interpreter
* The name of the interpeter is "bee" example of it being used on the command line:
    '$ bee file.b'
* The extention I chose for this language is ".b"

# Comments
    comments start with #
	if ## then  ignore until newline
	or  ignore characters until newline or #

# Basic Data Types
	bee programing language supports 
	* Ints
		1,2,9 etc
		-1,-3 etc
	* Reals
		1.0,2.4 etc
		-1.0,-3.3 etc
	* boolean
	* strings
		"this is a string"
		escapable characters include '\n', '\t', '\b', '\v', '\f', '\r', '\a', '"', '\\', with their usual meaning in c
	* nil
		nil is null but with a cooler name

# Variables
	* Variables must be declared before being used
	* Valid names are any that begin with an alphabetical character followed by any contiguous sequence of alphanumerical charactors

# Operators
   assignment, '==', right, 0
         returns the right operand
    	logical or, 'or' or '+', left, 1
    	logical and, 'and' or '*', left, 2
	    equals, '=', left, 3
	    not-equals, '~=', left, 3
	    less-than, '<', left, 4
	    greater-than, '>', left, 4
	    less-than-or-equal-to, '<=', left, 4
	    greater-than-or-equal-to, '>=', left, 4
	    not, 'not' or '~'
	    plus, '+', left, 5
	        applying '+' to string operands returns the concatenated string
	    minus, '-', left, 5
	    modulo, 'mod', left, 6
	        - 'mod' computes the remainder of Euclidean division
	    div, 'div', left, 6
	        - 'div' computes the quotient of Euclidean division
	    multiplciation, '*', left, 7
	    division, '/', left, 7
	    remainder, '%', left, 7
	    exponentiation, '^', right, 6
	    positive, '+'
    	negative, '-'

# Functions
	* funtions are first class objects as required by the project
	* funtions can have any names following the same convention as varables
	* To describe a function you follow the convenction "f(input) := body :;"
	* example:
		'f(x) := x + x :;'
	* functions can contain lambdas
# Lambda
	* lambda follow the convention of 'lambda[ parameters : body ]'
	* Examples:
      'lambda[x,y: x^2 + y^2]'

# Arrays
	* Arrays start at zero 
	* Arrays are allocated using 'allocate(size)', where 'size' is the number of elements to be allocated. Element type can be anything.
	* Array elements are accessed using the square brackets following the array name.
	* example:
	    * 'a[0]'
	* assignment can be change after array init and does not need to be reallacted if changed to a different type
		* 'a[0] == "a"'
		* 'a[0] == 3'
# Lists
	* Bee contains the functions 'cons()', 'car()', and 'cdr()', which have their usual use.
	* 'list(args)' is also implemented, which returns the list composed of the uated arguments.

# Conditionals
	* Bee contains conditionals that follow the pattern of "if[ condition1 ? action1 : condition2 ? action2 : ... : else default-action ]"
	* multiple condtions can be included in the condition part of the if statement
	* else is not required
	* example:
		x == if[ 1 < 2 ? true ],

		x would become true if 1 < 2

# Loops
	* supports while loops 
	* layout is: 'while[pre_condition_action : condition : post_condtion_action]'
	* either or both pre and post condtions can be left blank
	* example:
		while[ : i < n : i == i + 1 ],	

# blocks and scope
	* you can use blocks to create inner scopes witout needing to use a function
	* blocks start with '{' and end with '}'
	* they act like a function that cannot be called 
		i := 2 :;
	        j := 5 :;
	        i == i * j
    * j cant be reached from outside that block but can pull varables from the scope above it

#built-in functions
	* print(args) - prints the args to the command line
	* println(args) - prints the args to the command line and ends with a new line
allocation and type change
	* allocate(args) - allocates and returns an array with args number of elements
	* real(args) - changes args to real
	* integer(args) - changes args to Int
	* list(args) - makes a list from the args
	* cons(args) -  returns the cons of the pair  in args
	* car(args) -  returns the car of the pair in args
	* cdr(args) -  returns the cdr of the pair in  args
size of
	* sizeof(args) - returns the size of the args

These funtions return true  or false 
    * isNil(args) - returns true ifargs is nil
    * isString(args) - returns true if args is a string
    * isInteger(args) - returns true ifargs is  a int
    * isReal(args) - returns true if args is  a real
command line
	* getArg(args) - returns  the command line arg at postition provided by args
	* getArgCount(); returns how many command line argss there are
	* openFile(args) - open args for reading
	* readInteger(args) - returns one int from file args
	* atFileEnd(args) - returns true or false about if the file is eof
	* closefile(args) - closes file