Experimental audio toybox that works with the Endlesss collaborative jamming platform

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Experimental audio projects built to interact with data from multiplayer music collaboration app Endlesss. OUROVEON is a set of interconnected apps, built from modular components around an evolving, homebrew "Endlesss SDK" (as an official SDK does not exist). One part a learning exercise in lower-level audio coding and one part laboratory for ideas that build upon Endlesss' particular data model.

Many months of tinkering, stressing and real-world testing have already gone into the OUROVEON suite but they should still be considered unfinished alpha/beta-grade products. UI and functionality may change rapidly without warning!

They are mature enough to have been used to help create published albums, such as This Twilight Garden by oddSTAR as well as the less-polished-but-certainly-still-technically-music Horse Science Sessions.

These tools and all code within are not affiliated with or endorsed by Endlesss Ltd. Use at your own risk.

OUROVEON is written in C++20, built using Premake and targets Windows, MacOS 10.15+ (Universal arm64 + x86_64) and Linux (locally tested on x86_64 Ubuntu 23).

Pre-built releases are made available for Windows and MacOS (signed, notarised and ready to run)

Shared Features

  • $\textcolor{orange}{\textsf{Endlesss Power}}$ ~ The custom SDK provides comprehensive support for many facets of Endlesss' services, including

    • Authenticated sign-in, or fallback to a limited API set using public endpoints
    • Support for Endlesss' lossless mode (as of v0.8.0)
    • Comprehensive jam browser, offering a users' subscribed jams, solo jam, all current publics and a huge archive of previous open/public jams
    • Shared Riff feed parsing
    • Audio data from Endlesss is stored as-is in a trivially auditable offline stem cache for fast playback and archival
    • Deals with quirky and damaged Endlesss data, all the way back to the earliest jams in 2019
    • Built in retry/adapt fixes for unstable networks or servers
  • $\textcolor{orange}{\textsf{Audio Engine}}$

    • Lean audio mixers built on PortAudio
    • High-quality resampling using r8brain
    • Beat-analysis and energy estimation, drives UI and OpenGL shader-based visualisers
    • Support for FLAC and Ogg Vorbis source formats
    • Support for FLAC and WAV output - 9 simultaneous, asynchronous streams (depending on your hardware)
    • (Windows Only) VST effect hosting & automation
    • (Windows Only) IPC exchange of mixer state, beats, energy, jammer names, etc
  • $\textcolor{orange}{\textsf{UI Rendering}}$

    • Cross-platform front-end using GLFW
    • Layout and controls running on Dear ImGui


Deluxe Jam Archeology

Endlesss is incredible for making a lot of music, quickly. It's really terrible at navigating back through that music, finding what you want and getting it exported for use elsewhere. LORE was born to comprehensively solve these issues as well as offering an opportunity for long-term offline archival with easy storage & browsing of years' worth of music.

Documentation available here



  • $\textcolor{orange}{\textsf{Built For Scale}}$ ~ Download and synchronise even the largest (techno) jams on the platform. Navigating through 50,000+ riffs in LORE is a breeze, offering various data visualisation systems and username-searching.

  • $\textcolor{orange}{\textsf{Built For Speed}}$ ~ Rapid and durable even on older, limited hardware. Fully multithreaded.

  • $\textcolor{orange}{\textsf{Local Ownership}}$ ~ Download, explore, tag, export & archive your Endlesss music forever, even if the Endlesss cloud service disappears.

  • $\textcolor{orange}{\textsf{Song Sketching}}$ ~ Pick and instantly play any riff, build simple sequences with transition timing, create bookmarks to help plan future tracks and exports.

  • $\textcolor{orange}{\textsf{Open Data Formats}}$ ~ Everything is stored in easy-to-read sqlite3 or JSON, trivially accessible or extended by other 3rd party tools.


Live Jam Broadcast & Recording

Get the very best out of your live Endlesss performances

NOTE: BEAM has not been actively developed recently as LORE has taken priority. It may end up being heavily refactored.

BEAM connects to a chosen jam, watches for changes, syncs live stems and produces a high-quality broadcastable mix with additional features like

  • smooth riff transitions with configurable blending and timing. no more glitchy hard cuts at weird times between riffs.
  • recording-to-disk of both raw (FLAC) multitrack 8-channel Endlesss feed as well as simultaneous final mix output through VST chain
  • "performance compression" mode for multitrack, where the primary changes and 'movement' from a jam session is streamed to disk, producing a focused, less-repetitive souvenir
  • native connection to Discord audio broadcast channels via a Bot interface
  • offline per-stem beat-analysis
  • real-time export of live data for vizualisations in external tools, such as game engines or broadcast front-ends

BEAM has so far broadcast over 50 hours of jam sessions without missing a beat, including running for a sustained 24-hour live set.

The BEAM live visualisation sync functionality was used along with the NESTDROP visualiser and the Unity 3D engine to broadcast this hour-long jam