Reverse Time Migration for Uncertainty Quantification.
Physical and mathematical characteristics:
-- Second-order wave equation -- Isotropic acoustic medium -- Invariant density
Numerical characteristics:
-- Finite Difference Method (Second-order in time and Eighth-order accuracy in space) -- Convolutional Perfectly Matched Layer for wavefield attenuation on the boundary
Image Condition:
-- Cross-correlation: correlation between source wavefield and receivers wavefield. This process produces amplitude squared.
Compilation Requeriments:
-- ICC compiler -- OpenMP Library -- MPI Library
Before Compiling follow the commands to build the ZFP library:
-- cd ./ZFP_LIBRARY_0.5.5/build/ -- rm -r * -- cmake -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON .. -- make
-- Use make file typing in the mais directory: make clean make
Local Running:
-- Use the file "run_rtm_simulations.local": ./run_rtm_simulations.local
Cluster Running:
-- Configure the file "jobRtmSimulations.job" as desired
For more details about input and output requirements see:
++ ./INPUTS/0_inputs_readme.INFO ++ ./OUTPUTS/0_outputs_readme.INFO
To run this code, make download of the last version commited to a local repository.
The program is setting to migrate one seismogram on two rtm simulations.
++ See ./INPUTS/0_inputs_readme.INFO for more details.
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