
Riemer Grootjan's C# DirectX tutorials cleaned and well documented

Primary LanguageC#


Riemer Grootjan's DirectX tutorials cleaned and well documented

This repository serves as an auto-learning DirectX experience. I found in Riemer's tutorials a good way to start learning DirectX from a managed environment I feel comfortable with (C#)

When you go visit Riemer's web page http://www.riemers.net/ you can see that there are tons of really helpful information but sometimes the .NET tutorials feels so C++ish, some bugs have been commented on the forums but never fixed in the tutorials, etc..

My idea is to clean up the code so it feels truly like .NET and comment it as much as possible, making me learn it and understand it along the process and at the same time make other people benefit from it, being able to follow Riemers explanations but with a codebase they can experiment with including the fixes purposed in the forums

I'll probably include some of my own modified versions for some chapters