Because debugging pyproject.toml is not fun and python imports are a mess.
This project was made to be as broad as possible in its use. If you don't need something, remove it.
- Install
- dependencies through pdm (
pdm install
)- into the local
folder- to run your project as a python module
- locally (
python -m my_project
) - in a docker container (see Dockerfile)
- locally (
- to be accessed by your IDE for intellisense (see .vscode/settings.json)
- to be accessed by your debug launch configuration (see .vscode/launch.json)
- to run your project as a python module
- into the local
- project through pip (
pip install .
)- to be used as a global CLI command (
- to be used as a global CLI command (
- dependencies through pdm (
- Build
- through pdm (
pdm build
)- into the local
folder- to be published on pypi
- through twine (
twine upload dist/*
- through twine (
- to be published on pypi
- into the local
- through pdm (