
Tor version of a lambda

Primary LanguagePython

Lambda HTTPGet Tor Demo

A quick and dirty demo on using AWS lambda to retrieve a file via an HTTP request via TOR

By default, it will do a GET request to http://ipinfo.io, with an empty user agent. The lambda can take two arguments, user_agent, the user agent the the GET request is going to use, and url, the url that a GET request will be issued to.

The raw body of the request will then be returned.

You MUST provide a statically linked Tor binary, and save it in the root as tor. I recommend you look at tor-static, or look at this guide to build your own. Do not open an issue asking me to help you build a static tor binary.

Some time will be taken for the lambda function to establish the tor circut and issue the actual request.

You may want to look at qrtt1's lambda-layer-tor project


  • Package repo as a zip.
  • Upload from .zip file in lambda function editor.
  • Adjust function timeout to be at least 1m. 2m is recommended.
  • Add a function url.
  • Request your function url, adding the url and user_agent parameters


GET https://eQuuefakelambdaurlhivohz8yee6dae.lambda-url.us-east-1.on.aws?url={url_you_want_to_request}&user_agent={user_agent_you_want_to_request_as}
  • Wait for a response from the lambda function


This project borrows code from: