
CSS Generator has a lot of tools to help you make a better code ๐Ÿ˜Ž best tools are comming ... ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽŠ

Primary LanguageHTML

CSS3 Generator

Css Generator helps you to get acquainted with different types of properties in css. You can use many tools to get css code ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿงจ

How to run project

Clone this repo 
Install NodeJs
Open Cmd or Terminal and go to Css Generator directory
Enter npm i
then open with live-server



Why I created my own css generator ๐Ÿค”?

I wanted to create something that have chalange for me and it will be useful. I decided create a css generator that is a special to others css generators.so I saw a lot of css generators to list what should my own css generator actually have? It should has a pretty pages and I have to pay attention to the design of tools pages. because more css generators doesn't attention to design pages. they just created tools but not many tools! so step 2 was I should make more tools that other generators doesn't have them. all of these tools that my generator having right now it be so many in future.I really wanted to make everything special and I hope it be useful for you ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿคž

Best Features ( comming soon ):

CSS Generator has some nice tools to make components for your project like:

  • Glassmorphism
  • Neomorphism
  • Animation
  • Button Generator
  • More nice tools are comming

Other Tools

You have a lot of tools like:

  • Box tools:
    • Box-Shadow
    • Border
    • Border-Radius ( comming soon )
    • Opacity
    • Other tools are comming
  • Text tools:
    • Color
    • Font-Size
    • Font-Weight
    • Text-Gradient ( comming soon )
    • Text-Shadow
    • Letter-Spacing
    • Text-Stroke
    • Text-Align
    • Line-Height
    • Text-Decoration
    • Text-Transform
    • White-Space
    • Text-Overflow
  • Transform tools:
    • TranslateX
    • TransformY
    • ScaleX
    • ScaleY
    • SkewX
    • SkewY
    • Other tools are comming
  • Filter tools:
    • Blur
    • Brightness
    • Contrast
    • GrayScale
    • Hue-Rotate
    • Invert
    • Saturate
    • Sepia