
Starter API with Express

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



  • Express
  • Sequelize (MySQL)
  • Logs rotator
  • Documentation
  • Unit testing with Mocha
  • ES6 support
  • i18n



  • NodeJS
  • PM2
  • Git
  • Sequelize CLI

Migration & seed

Run migrations

$ NODE_ENV=dev npm run migrate
$ NODE_ENV=dev npm run seed

Install & start dev

$ npm install
$ npm start





The API uses restful verbs.

Verb Description
GET Select one or more items. Success returns 200 status code.
POST Create a new item. Success returns 201 status code.
PUT Update an item. Success returns 200 status code.
DELETE Delete an item. Success returns 200 or 204 status code.

Status Codes

The API will respond with one of the following HTTP status codes.

Code Description
200 Success
201 Success - new resource created (POST)
204 Success - no content to return
400 Bad Request - request couldn't be parsed
401 Unauthorized - OAuth must be provided
403 Forbidden - invalid API key or unapproved app
404 Not Found - method exists, but no record found
405 Method Not Found - method doesn't exist
409 Conflict - resource already created
412 Precondition Failed - use application/json content type
422 Unprocessible Entity - validation errors
500 Server Error

Required Headers

You'll need to send some headers when making API calls to identify your application and set the content type to JSON.

Header Value
Content-type application/json
LoggedIn Headers

Methods with 🔒 Logeddin Required need to have the following headers to check that user is logged and have correct role (cf. Roles and Capabilities) to access the resource.

Header Value Exemple
Authorization The user's token to specify which user is logged Authorization: Bearer 6SXO7ZLJAlhfcTP7xCRYjtsudYxHhU55


Some methods are paginated. Methods with 📄 Pagination will load 1 page of 10 items by default. Methods with 📄 Pagination Optional will load all items by default. In either case, append a query string like ?page={page}&limit={limit} to the URL to influence the results.

Parameter Type Default Value
page integer 1 Number of page of results to be returned.
limit integer 10 Number of results to return per page.

All paginated methods will return these HTTP headers.

Header Value
X-Pagination-Page Current page.
X-Pagination-Limit Items per page.
X-Pagination-Page-Count Total number of pages.
X-Pagination-Item-Count Total number of items.


Some resources methods support additional filters and will be tagged with 🎚 Filters. Applying these filters refines the results and helps your users to more easily discover new items. Add a query string (i.e. ?query=search%20query) with any filters you want to use. Some filters allow multiples which can be sent as comma delimited parameters. For example, ?authors=1,2 would match the action OR adventure genre. Note: Make sure to properly URL encode the parameters including spaces and special characters.

Parameter Multiples Example Value
Common filters


All dates will be GMT and returned in the ISO 8601 format like 2014-09-01T09:10:11.000Z. Adjust accordingly in your app for the user's local timezone.

Roles and Capabilities

Each user is attached to a role that specify what he can or cannot do in the app. Here is a map of each action depend on the role :

Capability Admin Commentator Reader


Put all the docs here