ROS move_base plugin that implements the D* Lite algorithm, for MIT 16.412 Cognitive Robotics Grand Challenge. For more details about D* Lite, please check [S. Koenig et al.- D Lite* -aaai2002]
First create your local catkin workspace, please follow this tutorial
Then, open your bash file (~/.bashrc) with your favorite editor (in my case, I use vim, so I type in vim ~/.bashrc
And append the following line to the .bashrc file
source /home/student/managed/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
(so you don't have to source it every time you compile the code)
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
And finally we can build it:
cd ~/catkin_ws
and catkin_make
In terminal, type:
roslaunch move_incremental grand_challenge_sim.launch
then Gazebo simulator will come out with summit-x in a predefined map.
To drive it around, open another terminal and type:
rosrun cogrob achieve-sim-goals
In the terminal that you roslaunch grand_challenge_sim, you can identify
D* Lite planner related output info with [MoveIncremental]
[ INFO] [1494894732.582441485, 16.108000000]: [MoveIncremental] Start To plan
We are using Vincent Driessen's branching model for git development workflow.
In a nutshell, develop branch is where several members' branches merge together. Individual developer should branch off, create feature/your_feature branch, develop and then finish by merging it back to develop branch.
git-flow library of git subcommands makes this just as easy as your daily git commands.
Installation of git-flow on Linuxes can be found here.
It's okay that you don't want to use git-flow: just manually create your feature branch and work, don't directly work on development branch. Just don't forget to turn off fast-forward to preserve your feature branch history by typing: git merge --no-ff develop