
Multi Master Lite for PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


A lightweight multi master extension for PostgreSQL.

The extension works exactly as postgres' own logical replication pgoutput plugin (it's basically copied) with one (1) major difference/addition. It filters out all output that's got a valid origin. This means you can publish/subscribe to tables existing in all nodes without bouncing messages back and forth, giving us a lightweight multi master setup.

Tested with PostgreSQL 11, 12 and 13.

Caveats apply!


git clone https://github.com/Underhunden/mmlite.git

Make sure pg_config is in your path and you have development tools installed.

cd pg13 # or pg11, pg12 - depending on the major version you have installed
PGXS=1 make
PGXS=1 make install


Make sure you know how logical replication works before you start.

Set wal_level = logical in postgresql.conf and restart.

Node 1:

CREATE PUBLICATION node1 FOR TABLE users, departments;
SELECT pg_create_logical_replication_slot('node2', 'mmlite');

Make sure your replication slot use the new mmlite extension.

SELECT slot_name, plugin FROM pg_replication_slots;

slot_name | plugin
node2     | mmlite

Node 2:

CREATE PUBLICATION node2 FOR TABLE users, departments;
SELECT pg_create_logical_replication_slot('node1', 'mmlite');

CREATE SUBSCRIPTION from_node1 CONNECTION 'dbname=?? host=?? user=??' PUBLICATION node1 WITH (copy_data = true, create_slot = false, slot_name = 'node2');

Now node2 should be subscribed to node1, let's subscribe to node2 from node1.

Node 1:

CREATE SUBSCRIPTION from_node2 CONNECTION 'dbname=?? host=?? user=??' PUBLICATION node2 WITH (copy_data = false, create_slot = false, slot_name = 'node1');

Now both nodes should be subscribed to each other and will be getting updates.

Node 3:

This module do support having many to many subscriptions, however care must be taken when adding new nodes. The easiest way to add a node without losing transactions is to shut down or put your application in read-only mode, that way no new transactions will being created during the creation of a new node. If shutting down your application is not possible, you're up for something more complicated.

Here's one way of doing it:

  • Decide on one node to be used as source for the initial data copy, in this case we choose Node 1.
  • As quickly/synced as possible, run the creation of slots (Node 1 and 2) and the CREATE SUBSCRIPTION command on Node 3.
    • Start with Node 2, then Node 1 and last the CREATE SUBSCRIPTION on Node 3.
  • Every transaction that happened on Node 2 between creation of a new slot on Node 2 and Node 1 will later possibly become a conflict on the new node.
  • You will have to look at the log on Node 3 after subscribing to Node 2.
  • When all data is copied and Node 3 is subscribing to Node 1 and 2, it's time for Node 1 and 2 to subscribe to Node 3.

Note: If more than 3 nodes is needed, these steps will include handling conflicts from several sources.

Here's another way of doing it:

  • Decide on one node to be used as source for the initial data copy, in this case we choose Node 2.
  • We make Node 3 a sync standby of Node 2.
  • When Node 3 has catched up, we remove Node 2 and Node 3 from the mmlite cluster (as well as from receiving traffic from clients) - by changing pg_hba, iptables or in any other way.
  • Promote Node 3 to be a primary node.
  • Run the CREATE PUBLICATION step for adding Node 3 on Node 1 and Node 2.
  • On node 1, use pg_copy_logical_replication_slot for copying the same replication slot as Node 2 for Node 3.
    • Or create a slot, but use pg_replication_slot_advance if you're on pg11.
  • Open up the traffic for Node 2 and Node 3.

Note 1: The node(s) that are still in production during the pg_hba/iptables/network block will be accumulating WAL - have enough free disk!

Note 2: These steps can be repeated for more nodes - just think about Note 1.



  • No handling of conflicts included. You are responsible for designing a conflict free application.
    • Primary key serials might cause conflicts - use UUID or other random PK.
    • Use a "logical" master (can be any of the nodes, but decide on one) within your application for values such as:
      • Unique emails in a users table.
      • Transactions to/from balance tables.
      • Everything that needs to happen only once.


  • If copy_data = true is set when setting up a new subscription, it won't set an origin for the data to be transmitted. Make sure no other nodes are subscribed to a new node before all the data gets replicated.

All restrictions with logical replication also applies to this extension


  • Setup REGRESS tests.
  • Fix LICENSE?
  • Create a function for skipping transactions step-by-step.


Please let me know, open a ticket or create a PR.