
A ReactJS News App demo showing the latest news using the newsapi.org service :newspaper:

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hello and welcome! This demo is a JavaScript application that shows the latest news from the United Kingdom, using the newsapi.org service.

This is my first Full Stack Challenge and first ever project using React and Node/Express.

alt text


To get started you'll need an API key. Visit newsapi.org for one.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

There are 2 root folders

client - React client-side app

API - Node.js/Express server

For further detail on API methods, visit https://github.com/Undocontrol/News-App-Demo/wiki

Running the project

Set up the client side

cd client
npm install
npm start

Set up the API side

First - put your newsApi key inside the config.js file.

cd api
npm install
node app.js







Areas of improvement/To do

I would have implemented Redux for use of state management. I also would included LESS as oppose to CSS and I would have given a pop at unit testing.

Thank you very much for visiting.