this project is no longer maintained see this section
crypto bot is a fictitious way to trade in crypto in discord. he use api of coingecko directly and CoinGecko-API for interact with crypto market
crypto bot is enough simple to use for not have many command. Here is the list:
- info {paramètre (id of crypto)}
- to display the name
- to display chart of 24hours evolution of price
- to display the id of this crypto
- to display the symbole (btc, eur, usd, ...)
- to display the evolution of price in diferant time
- to display pusbutton for buy this crypto
- to display pusbutton for buy this crypto
- to display pusbutton for vew this crypto in another time
- search {paramètre}
- for search the parametr in all crypto /!\ warning only 10 result is display
- create
- for create acount in the bot
- presentation or p
- for see present state of market with 4 crypto : bitcoin, ethereum, binancecoin, iShares MSCI World ETF Tokenized Stock Defichain
- walet (? tag of user)
- for to view your account or if is inform the walet of other account
- help
- for vew this help in french
- limit
- allows you to create limits and stop sells /!\ warning this commande is data consumer
- ping
- retun ping of discord, you, coingecko(api), internal
- supr limit -for dellet limit sell/stop sell
to clone the bot you will have to follow these steps:
- clone this repo
- create .env in root of this project
- add key DEV_TOKEN=token of bot dev
- add key PUBLIC_TOKEN=token of bot (production)
- add key LOGGING_CHANNEL=id of channel for logging(warning the bot must be invited)
- add key IS_DEV=in your dev computer this key=false but in prod server this key=true
- initialise npm with npm i
- start with node . or node main.js
this bot is moderately functional because the coingecko api is limited at 50 request per second and 5 request per second for crypto history. And it's too little. If you wallet contains more of 5 crypto you will have to wait more than a minute for the graph to be generated !
because everything is slowed down, the development is horrible. Everything is too long, and I had to stop the development of this project to resume it I would need a premium version of coingeko and is too expensive.
in 43 days 164 commits (22 pull requests ) have been made for a total of 20 954 additions and 13 890 deletions