Single Sign-On (SSO) Web App

  • This is a front end implementation for the SSO service detailed here. It is meant to provide a simple way to use SSO when developing web applications suites. See the backend linked to above prior to getting started here.
  • A minimal SPA that utilizes this front end can be seen here. A more complex example can be seen here.



  • This UI depends on a running instance of the SSO backend linked to above. The URL and port of said instance must be specified in the ssoApi constant in account.service.ts. See the linked file for an example.
  • This is an angular project; install node package dependencies by running npm install from within the clone directory.


Start a development server using ng serve and navigate to http://localhost:4200/ to access the web app.


Below are instructions for how developers can use this front end to implement SSO with their web app suites. See the documentation for the backend service for instructions on how to generate a ssoSuiteId for your SSO suite.


These are some guidelines to follow to ensure the intended integration with the backend mentioned above.

  1. Sign in, registration, sign out, and jwt renewal operations should be completed via the SSO web app.
  2. If a JWT is near expiry, SSO suite web app constituents should use the SSO web app to renew JWTs. This ensures renewal is synced across the other web apps.
  3. JWT verification should be done SSO suite web app constituents, to validate account sign in status. If a JWT is expired or an account is no longer authenticated using a particular JWT, the web apps should redirect to the SSO web app to prompt for sign in.
  4. Accessing the SSO web app on a signed in state will return all the unexpired JWTs representing logged in states for all users of a particular SSO suite. It is up to the developer to determine which jwt/account should be used with the app.



Path: /login

Query params:

  • ssoSuiteId
  • redirectUrl

Jwt renewal

Path: /login

Query params:

  • redirectUrl
  • jwt

Note: This is only a preliminary validation based on JWt expiration status. Developers should still hit the SSO backend /account/authenticate endpoint each time access to a protected resource is requested. The primary purpose of this font end service is to provide a shared JWT browser cache for SSO suites consisting of multiple web apps hosted on different domains. This allows for SSO suites to share authentication data via the browser and leaves the task of confirming login state to the SSO suite constituent web apps.


Path: /logout

Query params:

  • redirectUrl
  • jwt